Press Release

Navigating through Corona crisis

Aero-Dienst: Navigating through Corona crisis, © Aero-Dienst

The COVID-19 crisis is changing our world. At Aero-Dienst we have weathered many storms during the last 60 years and managed so far to keep the virus away from our employees, aircraft and hangars. However, it becomes more and more evident that this crisis will not be over shortly and the future will be… different.

For most of us aviation is more than just a job. We are all more used to 24/7 than to nine-to-five. As pilots, technicians and aviation professionals we are well trained in being responsible, flexible and stress-resistant. Now is the time to bring these values to our private surroundings. By responsibly educating the careless, calming down the panicking and flexibly adopting to the new situation we can protect our beloved ones and CONTRIBUTE TO SLOWING DOWN THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS.

FINANCIALLY Corona will hit us very hard, no doubt. As aircraft owner, operator and maintenance facility we face many of the current challenges in our industry. This week our ambulance jets are still bringing those in need back home from Thailand, Turkey, Spain… under exceptional circumstances… while movements of our executive fleet become increasingly domestic constrained by the imposed travel restrictions. Our maintenance support remains fully operational and we do our best to help our customers with their situation-based changing requests and unplanned cancellations. In the coming weeks and months we have to expect the flight activity and thereafter the maintenance demand to seize down significantly. While giant airlines will suffer and survive, Corona is likely to leave deep scars on our niche infrastructure. Now is not the time for marketing hangar space unless you can offer it for free. Now is time for being fair and honest while trying to help each other to reduce cost as much as possible to avoid dismissal of employees and structural divestments.

Aircraft owners, OEMs, operators, FBOs and all suppliers – this is the time for SOLIDARITY.

With our values and trust-based relationships we will overcome the crisis and lead the way in re-connecting the post-corona FUTURE.

Aero-Dienst employees, thank you for your great contribution! Keep up and stay healthy!

Customers and partners, if you have any questions to our operational status or anti-Corona measures, just let us know. All our employees can help.

Viktor Peters, CEO Aero-Dienst

About Aero-Dienst

Your Jet – Our Job – Since 1958.

With an over 60-year track record in maintaining, operating, selling and managing a wide range of business and ambulance aircraft, Aero-Dienst is considered one of the leading business aviation companies in Europe. By employing more than 330 aviation professionals who focus on precision, reliability and absolute customer satisfaction, Aero-Dienst has earned a worldwide reputation for excellence in best-value-for-money aviation services – customer-focused, transparent and fair.

Do you have any questions about business aviation or air ambulance services? Let's talk, we're here to help.

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